Mon, Oct


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The delegates devoted their morning session discussing the Coordinated Biblical Pastoral Project. Fr. Goonan, Secretary of the CAP-ESW updated the assembly regarding the Project. The common project is in line with the objective that the General Government and the circumscription Governments, in accord with the International Apostolic Organisms, are to elaborate a project that coordinates the biblical pastoral of the Congregation (9th General Chapter, Priorities and Guidelines No. 1.2.2).

After the break, the delegates discussed the Common Bible Project for the CAP-ESW Region. Various possibilities were considered and it was agreed to take up the matter again later in the meeting.

I n the afternoon, the delegates visited the various departments of the Apostolic Sector in Makati: St Pauls Makati Bookstore, the Editorial Offices, Graphics, Information Technology (IT), SP Audio-Visuals and the new Alberione Hall which serves as auditorium and TV barn, and the Diffusion (Wholesale and Retail) Department. They also passed by the Administration Sector: the offices of the Provincial Government, the Provincial Information Office and Archives, and the Provincial Bursar and Central Administration.

After an afternoon break they continued to discuss possible collaborations in the Apostolate.

The day ended with the delegates joining the Makati Local Community in praying the Vespers at the Sanctuary of St. Paul and in dinner.  

Fotos by Fr. Restie de la Pena, Br. Alvaro Nobleza and Br. Tito Seo Yeong Joo 


Agenda Paolina

October 07, 2024

Memoria della B.V. Maria del Rosario (bianco)
Gal 1,6-12; Sal 110; Lc 10,25-37

October 07, 2024

* FSP: 1943 a Lodi (Italia) • PD: 2005 a Tura (India) • SJBP: 1938 a Genzano (Italia) “dies natalis” - 1963 a Rieti (Italia) - 1985 a Barcelona (Venezuela) - 1993 a Negrar (Italia) - 1996 a Caxias do Sul, Bairro N. S. da Consolação (Brasile) - 2003 Comunità formativa a Castellana, Bogotá (Colombia) - 2005 Casa Betania a Caxias do Sul (Brasile) - 2010 Casa Prov. Italia Centro-Nord a Verona (Italia) - 2015 a Foggia (Italia).

October 07, 2024SSP: Fr. Candido Bessegato (2009) • FSP: Sr. M. Ida Vagli (1991) - Sr. Susana Alvarez (2006) - Sr. M. Renata Vanzetta (2021) • PD: Sr. M. Luigia Boffa (1931) - Sr. M. Ilaria Vaia (1986) - Sr. M. Augusta Arlorio (1997) • SJBP: Sr. Marylin Delalamon (2019) • IGS: D. Carlo Berloni (2002) • IMSA: Mafalda Rossetto (1999) • ISF: Domenica Strazzeri (1992) - Vincenzo Arcione (2008) - Maria Ernas (2009) - Piergiorgio Omiccioli (2022).