The groups undertook laborious work: each Coordinator presented the Formation Iter used in their circumscriptions, bringing to light strengths and weaknesses. The importance of this document is linked to its role of concrete applications of the intergral Pauline formazione in the social, cultural and ecclesial context. Once more in the assembly there emerged the potentialities, but also the inadequacies faced by the circumscriptions to render major ideas to the objectives of vocation promotion and initial and permanent formation.
Friday, 19th, Fr Juan Antonio Carrera, gave his talk in his capacity as president of CTIA, the committee which at the world level offers operative and editorial guidelines to all the Pauline apostolate. Fr. Carrera framed the ideas in his talk in the context of the Meeting: the aim of formation is for mission, the precious task that leans and runs on the "four wheels" of the Pauline cart. And the challenge of the apostolate necessarily coincides with that of formation: to walk towards the same direction; to acquire a Congregational mentality; to open oneself to new forms and opportunities for the apostolate; to guarantee a formation according to the needs of the Pauline apostolate.
Now the Coordinators, divided in three geographic and linguistic groups, are in search for concrete lines of action to respond to all the solicitations that have emerged.