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The Course of Formation on the Charism of the Pauline Family, as prescribed in its Statute, concluded with the presentation of a thesis, from 27 to 29 May, by each of the students before the committee formed by the members of the General Direction consisting of five Councillors General, one for each congregation. As per norm, each student, in consultation with a member the General Direction or Executive Body of his/her congregation, could choose one of the themes of the Course and develop it under the supervision of a moderator.
The preparation of the thesis was difficult for a few of the students who, away from studies, had been fully immersed in the apostolate for a long time. For others it was a simple continuation of the studies that they had recently undertaken. Mindful of the effort, research, and preoccupation to finish well, the submission of the work had given each the profound satisfaction of succeeding to draw from the well the essentials of living one's faithfulness to the Pauline Charism.
On Friday, 30 May, the participants of the Charism Course and other members of the Pauline Family gathered together in the Sottocripta of the Minor Basilica of the Regina Apostolorum in the Eucharist to thank the Master for the abundant riches received in this year of grace. It was presided over by Fr. Gabriel Andrés Rendón Medina, ssp who concludes his apostolate as Coordinator of the Course of Charism. In the homily, he stressed the phrase from the Acts of the Apostles: "Do not be afraid, but continue speaking and do not give up, for I will have a harvest of many people in this city. Since I am with you, no one will harm you" and in the similar way the Gospel of John: "a woman in childbirth is in distress because her time is at hand. But after the baby is born, she no longer remembers her suffering because of such great joy that a child is born into the world". Fr Gabriel thus stressed how one could regenerate himself/herself and make oneself a new Pauline.
The final greeting, on behalf of all the Superiors General, was given by Sr. Karen Anderson, FSP General Councillor and member of the General Direction.
The new Coordinator of the Course of Charism will be Sr. Josefa Soares, fsp, from Brazil. .