January 19, 2025Fate tesoro di tutto [per progredire] perché questi sono i grandi mezzi che la provvidenza vi dà. Non andate a cercare cose speciali, ma prendete bene questi mezzi e sappiateli usare. Avete il catechismo, il Vangelo, studiateli bene, usateli bene, non cercate altro (FSP32*, 296).
January 19, 2025Hagan tesoro de todo [para progresar] porque estos son los grandes medios que les da la providencia. No anden buscando cosas especiales, sino tomen bien estos medios y sepan utilizarlos. Tienen el catecismo, el Evangelio, estúdienlos bien, úsenlos bien, no busquen nada más (FSP32*, 296).
January 19, 2025Make the most of everything [to progress] because these are the great means that providence gives you. Do not go looking for special things, but take these means well and know how to use them. You have the catechism, the Gospel, study them well, use them well, do not look for anything else (FSP32*, 296).